Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Keltic Sunset

The sun came out the other day so I went out shooting... With the camera, remote shutter release and tripod.

Captured this sunset at Keltic Cannery in Hardy Bay. This picture is actually the best parts of three photographs at different exposures stitched together (poor man's HDR) then embellished (madly saturated) and framed all using Photoshop.
This is the original properly exposed photo. It is difficult to get the total dynamic range of all that the human eye can see with a camera in one picture, thus the three pictures put together. There are also programs you can use that do all the editing work for you. Google "HDR" (High Dynamic Range) for more information.

Old Red Barn

I found this neat looking barn tucked away into the trees while driving around looking for deer of all things. I had to do a little work on the photo to remove some unwanted objects. Hopefully you can't tell what I removed.

Thanks for the turorial on putting frames around your photos. I had tried for months trying to figure it out and you made it really simple.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Although already covered in an earlier post there were a few pics. that I liked , so here they are! With frames and all!

This is the Dam built from the native Cobblestones which are so prevalent in this area .
Reflections in the slow flow below the dam.

Just as efficent as in the early days , and probably more appreciated today, stands as a testament to the skill and fortitude of all who came before us.

Part Two- Dams and Lakes of the Wichitas-

Please click on Pic for full effect

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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Thank you Paul for the tutorial! I noticed even Parker was putting up photos with frames so I thought I better get with the program. I figured if Parker can do it I should be able to do it. LOL Sorry Parker! If it wasn't for Paul's instructions I would still be trying to figure it out.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


On my last visit to Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, one of my projects was to start recording photos of the different dams that I had access to. First was Quanah Parker Dam. The spillway has already been covered in previous posts, so here are a couple of new views.
Built in the 1930's by the Civilian Conservation Corps or ( CCC Boys ) , the architecture is a work of art!
Backing up the water flow from Quanah Creek the dam forms a magnificent lake which is beneficial to both man and animal.
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Frames for Ron

Ron in your comment on my "Eagles and Ghosts" you said you would have to learn how to add frames... Well here's how it's done!

Open your picture in Photoshop. When you have the picture edited and looking how you want it then you can frame it.

From the drop down menu across the top select Image then Resize then Canvas Size... you should now see this screen or similar.

The first area I circled shows the existing size of your picture. By increasing these numbers you tell how much bigger you want the "Canvas" to be then the picture. (How much it sticks out the sides).

The second area I circled is where you select what colour you want the Canvas to be.

You can add as many canvases as you want, what ever colour you want and what ever width you want.
Have fun, play around with it some! I look forward to seeing a framed picture!

Say Hello to my little friend

These first two were shot with the Tamron 18-250mm. They aren't the best of shots but he wanted to stay in the trees and not come out and pose for me.

These last two were taken with the Sigma 150-500mm. He moved into a different area with fewer trees and I was able to zoom past most of the others.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Eagles and Ghosts

Took this picture late in the afternoon at the head of Hardy Bay, it was starting to get dim so the shutter had to stay open for half a second or so. Just as I took this picture several Seagulls were flying past behind the Eagles. All I got were their ghosts!

Just walking around

I took this about a week ago with the Sigma 10-20mm.

I took this on the same day while taking a short hike on one of the trails. Everything is brown now and the leaves are gone, unless you look on the ground and then they are everywhere!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wichita Mountains.

I miss my Mommy!

Copying this shot from Parker.

To make this cow looking at me, I have to made some noise on this shot. Otherwise, she or he keeps the head down eating the grass.


No Apple Pie this time! But we do have homemade Pecan, Pumpkin, and a Heavenly tasting Coconut Cream!

Yes, the Resident Pie Cook was at work again! These beautiful pies were her contribution to the dessert table.
( These nice comments should keep me in pie for awhile ). LOL

Sad Note; Went to the pantry to have another slice before bed and all them darnded kids left me was a small sliver of Pecan! LOL
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Grill Turkey With Asian Seasoning.

This turkey were grilled in the Char-broil Big Easy infrared grill. I have soaked this bird for 2 days in Soy sauce, Oyster sauce, Honey, Brown sugar, Garlic, Onion, Black peppers, and Sesame seeds oil. This is a result after 2 hours, and 10 min. in the grill.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

You beat me to the punch on the turkey photos! LOL

3:30 a.m.? Don't you know you're supposed to be sleeping at that time of night?

Since Parker beat me to the turkey pics I will have to post a joke.

With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I'd try something new.

So I went turkey hunting and shot my first one.

Scared the heck out of everyone in the frozen food department!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Birds such as these will be prepared and grace the tables of many as Family and Friends gather to give thanks for their Blessings.
Our Family will do the same. We have much to be Thankful for.
My "Friends" on this Blog are surely on this list! ( NO! I'm not calling anyone a Turkey!)

All birds were shot (with camera) but none were hurt. I gave "Pardons" to all but the one 20lb guy my wife shot at the store!
That bird was put in the oven at 3:30 this am, talk about smelling good when we got up at 6:30!! Blessings to All !!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dead Trees.

These pictures are from behind the building of Wichita mountain visitor center. Yeah, I have been taking picture nothing but rocks, weeds, and dead trees. I think I need to go back to work, you probably think that I'm getting weird.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Night & Day

Cheryl and I were sitting by the fire in our front yard a few nights ago and this guy came sneaking up behind us. I was able to go into the house and get my camera and come back out without him moving more than just a few feet.

This is the same buck the next morning just about 100 feet from where he was the night before.

And here is a photo of the same buck and the reason he was hanging around.

As a side note, Q was here for the last three days camping with his sons. He was kind enough to invite Cheryl and I to his campsite for dinner and last night and I gotta tell ya, the man can cook as good as he takes photos! We had some of the best ribs I have ever had. Parker, you missed out big time!!

I thought about taking a picture of the big pile of Asian short ribs he had sitting on the table so I could post it here but that was only AFTER we had eaten most of the ribs. I definitely had more than my share. If Q cooks like that on his photo shoots I will gladly carry his gear fo him as long as he feeds me.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Fall arrived a couple of weeks ago. Most of the foliage has already peaked. We have a pair of Sweet Gums that always save their colors for last along with the Oak which stands in the front yard. Today winds were Southerly bringing temps of 76F. As we always say around here there will be a price to pay for these nice temps we are having for this time of year. So be it, but for now bring it on!
The same Moon that Paul presented us with yesterday, was still trying to maintain its dignity to no avail. Early morning is not its best face. It's color must give way to the power of the Sun which brings to life all the colours that the Picture Takers seek!

The sad part of the picture is the covered and winterized home of this picture taker ,which has just learned that indeed the toll collector will visit us Thankgiving Day with below freezing temps and a high around 38 to 40F. We are not worried! All the kids and grandkids will be here plus extended family, don't forget us and my Dad and his wife, = 22plus!! Should be plenty of Hot Air to overcome the Cold temps!!

Hope the Nikon doesn't Overheat from all the Snapshots that everyone expects!
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Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is why you always want to keep a camera on hand! Took this on my way back from Port Hardy tonight.
Other than the frame I put around it, this picture is entirely as shot. I used the Sigma 120-400 at 400mm. In hind sight I regret that I didn't set the ISO to 200 as oposed to auto mode I normally keep it in which alows it to go up to ISO 1600 for darker situations... Oh well live and learn!