I've been going though my old Hawaii photos looking for that one special shot I can submit to the contest. In the process I went back to reworking some of the underwater photos so I thought I would post this one.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Old logging trestle
Something just a little different
A buddy of mine had a "toy" he recently told me about and after a little prodding he allowed me to try it out on a project I am working on. (think Parker, think! LOL) The thermal imaging camera really surprised me at what it will do. I'm going to have to get one of these for a couple of different reasons!
The times shown on the pictures is off by 12 hours (I couldn't figure out how to reset the clock) so all of these except this first one were taken in the dark, really dark I might add.
This first picture is my bassett hound wondering what it was I had in my hand.
This one is looking down a road by my house. Note that you can even see the stripes on the road.
This one was taken from about 100 yards away and you are looking at two people sitting at a pick-nik table surrounded by trees at about 10:30 at night.
This is another pick-nik table with trees around it but no people, also taken from about 100 yards away.
The camera can be adjusted to "see" in gray scale, what it calls "iron" and "rainbow". Depending on wha tyou are using it for is what you use the three different colors for. You get more detail in the iron setting unless it's really hot and then the rainbow setting seems to work better.
I realize these aren't the "pretty" pictures we normally post on here but I really was amazed at this camera and thought the rest of you might be interested in seeing the photos.
We are still testing this camera to see what exactly it will "see" that we can't. We have dug holes and filled them back in and it will actually see the disturbed area. Hmmmmm, I wonder what I can use this for?? LOL!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hawaiian Photo Contest
OK boys, here's your chance to win some money for that next trip to paradise.
Friday, May 27, 2011
comments problems
Just so everyone will know, I contacted the blogger admin people about the problems with commenting and they said they are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it. They've been working on it for two days now so apparently it's a major problem or they aren't trying too hard. Hopefully in a few days things will be back to normal.
Comments to Paul on the last post;
Rock, fence post, tripod, they're all the same aren't they? LOL
I love seeing your dogs play. They always look like they are the happiest dogs in the world!
Your photos aren't too bad either! LOL
Comments to Paul on the last post;
Rock, fence post, tripod, they're all the same aren't they? LOL
I love seeing your dogs play. They always look like they are the happiest dogs in the world!
Your photos aren't too bad either! LOL
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Day at the beach

Took the dogs and camera for a hike to a local deserted beach. While the dogs ran off some energy I took pictures. I took this comical little series of pictures with the Sigma 120-400 at 400mm. I had it steadied on a rock (almost a tripod...) LOL
I too had one heck of a time getting a comment on to Parkers colorful renovation pictures so I'll comment on your pictures here Ron. Nice to see some pictures with the Sigma 150-500. I especially like the bottom photo it's bright and sharp, great capture!
Also thank you Q for the link to Kite photography. I think next time someone tells me to "go fly a kite" I might just have to give it a try! LOL
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Kite Photography.
You got to check this guy out. http://www.evanreinheimer.com/site/#/home/
I found him while looking the photos from Utah flickr group. This is what we need to learn how to do it. I won't take helicopter ride for photo shoot again.
Staying with the bright color theme
I actually had a couple of hours to go out last week and do some shooting. About fifteen minutes into a short hike we came across this guy. I thought he fit right in with Parker's colorful scheme! LOL
These were both shot with the Sigma 150-500mm.
FYI, apparently Blogger is having problems with the comment portion of the blog. I tried several times this morning to comment on Parker's photos and it just kept making me sign in over and over and over. Hopefully they will get it fixed in a day or two.
With that said;
Parker, You're quite the handy man. I guess the next time I need something remodeled I will call you and Q and then just sit back and watch the work! LOL
I'm glad the tornados passed you by. It seems like this has been a worse than average year for big winds.I still say you need a bucket of Coronas on the table! :~)
Nice photos too!
After last nights Tornado outbreaks around here didn't know if there would be any thing left to take Pics of. Fortunately all we got was a little rain and wind.
Another little corner coming out of the Sun Room. That is a real mounted Fighting Cock that I found at an antique store.
For my finishing touch, color and plantings were taken to the fence.
Painted this metal piece to match, and Charlotte found these plants called Rose Moss which bloom everyday.
Enjoyed doing this project and it passed the time nicely while needing to be home. I think part of the fun was doing something out of the ordinary. Also I did get to take some Pictures!
Thanks for looking, Hope I didn't bore you.
Another little corner coming out of the Sun Room. That is a real mounted Fighting Cock that I found at an antique store.
For my finishing touch, color and plantings were taken to the fence.
Painted this metal piece to match, and Charlotte found these plants called Rose Moss which bloom everyday.
Enjoyed doing this project and it passed the time nicely while needing to be home. I think part of the fun was doing something out of the ordinary. Also I did get to take some Pictures!
Thanks for looking, Hope I didn't bore you.
Monday, May 23, 2011
A nice place for that Sunrise cup of coffee. The early morning rays of Sol casts long shadows into the newly re-done screened in patio.
This has been my month and a half project this Spring. Things were looking drab on this East facing porch. I decided that I wanted brighten up this space and make it a place to enjoy more. So out with the browns, bieges, grays and drabs, and bring in the Fiesta Colors!
Alot of the items had to be altered and painted to get what I was looking for. The lizard shutters were made by taking trellises, cutting the legs off and installing my hand painted lizards. Parrot and Rooster were used as is. Pillows were made by wife for me. In the previous pic the Corona porcelin table is an old table from Mexico that I picked up. The chairs were 1950's card table chairs that I upholstered and painted.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Foggy Morning
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Alien Invasion
Last week I was conned by my wife and some friends into taking a wild flower tour on the refuge. The main reason I agreed is because I thought I would get to do a little walking around in the "special use area" of the refuge. No such luck on this trip!
I got a little bored with the flowers and starting looking for something else to shoot. This isn't the best angle on these little critters but I didn't want to have to lay down on the ground. I'm getting lazy in my old age!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
More Fishing Pier!
Shallow Lake!
My nemesis returns
Last week two of these showed up and started making a nest in the campgrounds. I spent an afternoon trying to get some photos and these are what I ended up with.
I'm still looking for a better shot but as usual, my nemsis is not cooperating.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Fishing Pier
Monday, May 16, 2011
More Scissor-Tails
I've been working on a few more photos from my "burst" the other day. I actually had a couple that were in focus. I would have liked to have been closer to these birds or had a bigger lens but just trying to track them and shoot the photos kept me from trying to move or change lenses.
A fourth bird joined in the fun on this photo.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
That time of year again...

Baby Canadian Goslings
I guess this makes it official... Spring is must really be here! Though it's difficult to tell due to the cool wet weather here in the West Coast.
The Sigma 120 - 400 is working flawlessly. Took this picture using my truck as my tripod. Then when I got home I cropped the image down to about 1/4 of its original size.
The difference a day makes
Last year they drained one of the lakes here to do some work on the dam. Since it has been so dry the lake bottom started looking like a desert so I took a little walk in the lake last Tuesday. This shot was taken with the Sigma wide angle.
I was amazed at how dry everything was and at what I didn't find in the lake bottom. I'm assuming somebody else already beat me to the good stuff! LOL
On Wednesday we finally got some greatly needed rain, almost three inches in some spots. The lake's rain gauge said 1.75 inches and this was just in two hours. I had three inches of rain at the campgrounds. The lake level came up several feet just with that one rain. In this photo you can see the tree line closest to the white bouys. That is the spot I was standing at two days earlier when I took the first two photos. I would estimate the water to be about six feet deep there now.
Friday, May 13, 2011
How many guys does it take...

Normally I take pictures of pipe joints, valves and other boring stuff but just for the fun of it I took a few pictures of the crew "working"... This one came out the best! LOL
Horseshoe UT.
Tag, you're it!
I came across these three scissor-tails "doing a dance" yesterday and fired off a burst of shots to see what I could get. They were moving fast and I didn't think I got much of anything until I took a look on the computer.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Calamari anyone?
I have several underwater photos that I have been holding back just because I didn't think they were good enough to post. Now that I have a working knowledge of photoshop I've been able to make some of these a little better so I'll be putting a few of them up since I've got the island fever again.
On a different note, I heard this song today and it reminded me of a place I really like. Any guesses??
Apparently the song has been out for almost a year so I guess I'm a little behind the times. The photos in the video aren't of "that place" but they'll do.
I actually figured out how to make my own video slide show with the song in the background (it took the old man a while) but when I went ot upload it it was 79 MB. After three hours and only having 16% of the upload complete, I cancelled the upload and just decided to go with the youtube version.
I'll will say I'm very jealous of Q right now, only five weeks, I would already be packing! LOL
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Big Sur, CA. and False Kiva, UT.
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