Sunday, July 31, 2011
Setup the Camera!

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Little more HDR

Water Falls
Small Town U.S.A
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Testing, Parker are you paying attention?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Derelict hull
Taking a walk around the Lake Shore noticed this four foot long man made cylinder. Made from formed and moulded concrete, this fluted shaped object seemed familiar.
At one time there was a lighted pathway following the contours of the water along the popular North Shore of Lake Overholser. The famed Route 66 ran a mere few yards from this pathway. Many travellers while taking a break from driving walked this scenic trail. The locals also frequently picnicked and enjoyed an afternoon or early morning walk along the same trail.
It finally came to light to me, so to speak. This familiar object laying at waters edge, was once a piece of one of the many lamp posts which held the lights that lit the path!
Aloha! Mahalo for the Kaua'i chair Q!!
Grand Teton National Park.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Reserved Seats!

FV Dolphin

Monday, July 25, 2011
Waimea Canyon, Kauai.

The Kauai island, where the rustic Waimea is nestled, was formed through volcanic eruptions as depicted by the famed Waimea Canyon. The most ancient, if not oldest, among Aloha state's eight major islands, Kauai is said to be the base of an active volcano during the pre-historic times. Historians believe that years ago, the volcano in this island used to erupt every so often. Eventually, the place wasn't able to tolerate more pressure and soon collapsed. The gigantic breakdown resulted in lava flows, the remnants of which are still evident nowadays in Waimea Canyon.
The interesting geological history of Waimea, and Kauai in general, is the subject of several books and journals. Scientists believe that Waimea in Kauai island is actually the original name of the active volcano nestled in the place. After a landslide, which resulted in the massive erosion on the eastern corner of Kauai, an erosion of Kauai's other volcano (named Lihue, also among the booming towns at present) soon followed. Since then, natives from other towns and island relocated to Waimea and the adjacent areas.
In 1778, prominent European explorer Captain James Cook was believed to set foot on the rustic town of Waimea before any other explorer did. Cook's initial visit to the island prompted the coming of foreigners who eventually settled in the island. This triggered feud between the native inhabitants and foreigners, resulting in a series of bloody skirmishes that lasted for years. Kauai island, including Waimea, is among the very few areas in the Aloha state that wasn't manipulated by the great Hawaiian ruler, King Kamehameha I.
Peacock On Kauai Island.
Hole in the wall

I drive by here all the time with my boat but I wound up hiking an hour or so by beach the other day and took this picture.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Happy Hover Fly!
Just Chillin' in Hawaii
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Portley Eagle

Took this with the Sigma 120-400 at 400mm handheld, manual focus. (Still haven't returned the silly thing for warranty repairs to its focus motor).
Old Map
Just for Parker
Friday, July 22, 2011
On an outing last year Ron and I were visiting Buzzards Roost in Western Oklahoma. As we were driving there we were talking cameras and Lenses. Seeing that we were both using Nikons, he graciously offered me the opportunity to try out his Sigma 10/20 Wide Angle. I have been an admirer of both His and Paul's Pics from this lense since I was invited to join this Blog.
Carefully screwing this much admired Lense on to my camera body I stepped outside the blue Durango and began to compose my pics using this borrowed Lense. After every shot I would Preview the image on the LED screen. Proud,Content, and Happy was this picture taker!
Arriving home a week or so later pics were downloaded to the computer. LO! and BEHOLD!, Ron has trained His Sigma to Sign all pics taken by it when used for Landscape Photography if the SKY is involved!
Still saving pennies for one of these Beauts! Yes I Am!