Monday, August 29, 2011
The new school year just started last week. Seems as though these kids are doing their homework while sitting in the park. The page before the one she is pointing at read "A is for Auto". Makes a good Trivia Question.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
From the files
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
In my last post, in the comment section, Paul inquired as to where the sculptures were located that I have been photographing. As all picture takers say, I just happen to have a picture to answer your question with!
Chisholm Trail Park is our largest park, connecting to Freedom Trail Playground, the Community Center, Ball Diamonds, Tennis Courts, Swimming Pool, more picnic areas and other various activities. Meandering, paved walking trails wander all thru this large acreage. Placed at various points throughout the park is where the sculptures are to be found. I believe they are a nice addition along with being an asset to our park system. Along with the well manicured grounds, wonderful ponds and lighted fountains, this is a most pleasant place to take one's daily walks.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
This little Guy with Number#3 on his shirt is headed to the baseball field next to the Community Center.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Selective Colorization.
This will be my first photo in a series of what I call "Art In The Park".
"JANEY" is the name I gave to this young Lady of the Plains.
Born in 1887 this young Lass of Raven Black Hair was surveying her options and thinking towards the future. This was Statehood Day,
November 16, 1907.
Half white, half Indian, she never felt or accepted the stigma . Educated and knowing what she wanted, this statehood only gave her more boldness and a legal avenue to further her dreams. Little, or maybe she did know, how her actions would inspire a few of her heirs.
Thirteen children, two dying plus her husband a Mr. Coffee of trading post history in Oklahoma almost broke her heart, the other eleven
kids were from my Grandpa Parker, He was a Cowboy from Texas.
Prior to meeting him, Janey had already accumalated property in Wapanucka,OK., been to New Mexico and homesteaded land along with her Dad and brothers. Between Clovis and Portales they accumalated a respectable acreage. I visited the graves of my family there and the land they owned, but for the life of me I did not see what drew Janey there. But land she did leave! For whatever its worth. If you ever have a chance to travel in New Mexico between Clovis and Portales and come to a wide spot called Dora, say high to the Lanes and Parker's.
Did not mean to get so far off base but Grandma Martha Jane, "Janey", which is such an inspiration to all of us lives on. None of her grandkids ever seen her alive or heard her voice. She passed in 1933. Dad was born in 1922, will be 90 his next Birthday. My last link with her.
Never fear Janey, I will see you Memorial Day in Tuttle, Oklahoma, and will give a tip of the hat to your dreams. You are truly are The Spirit of Oklahoma!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Blackhawk Down
Monday, August 15, 2011
Antique Cars.
Checking out Oloneo