Saturday, December 8, 2012

I tried RAW again...

Like I've stated before on this blog, every once in a while I get the urge to try shooting RAW. Today I tried again...

Got the tripod setup, set the camera to RAW + jpeg and took a few pictures. Then when I got home I downloaded the camera card and started doing RAW image processing... Sort of anyway! LOL

I attempted to process my new RAW files into usable images using three different programs.

First a trial version of the Nikon Capture NX2. I wasn't able to get anywhere with this slow, clunky, non intuitive program and have since removed it from my computer.

Next I tried Photoshop cs4. The RAW image that came from my camera was bland, fuzzy and lifeless. Despite my best efforts there was just no way I could get it looking as good as the duplicate jpeg image my camera produced as shown above.

Last I used the free Nikon View NX2 which is a simple RAW conversion utility with some basic adjustments. I was able to understand and use most of this program to process my large RAW files into jpeg images that looked just like the jpeg pictures I'd already gotten from my camera. No advantages here! Though I will be keeping this program on my computer.

So long and short of it, my conclusion today is the same conclusion I always come to... This amateur photographer will be sticking with jpeg's thank you very much!


  1. I understand your frustration on these slow software. Perhaps, we could fix that if you like. You shouldn't have any problem if your OS is "64-bit" on windows vista or higher. I do have a same problem like you when I installed on a 32-bit system with windows vista. However, if your OS are compatible with NX2, make sure your memory is 4gb or higher.

    Like I said before, shooting RAW if you need to do intensive adjustments on your work. I do shoot RAW 100% on landscape, portrait, and studio. I don't think I could live without it, and occasionally I shoot JPEG on sports.

  2. I've been shooting RAW for about 3 years. Love it. I'm using CS6 and the ACR portion of the software is very powerful. I always get better images from RAW than jpegs because there is more digital information. I wish I had discovered RAW a long time ago. But to each their own! And jpegs work out well for the majority of folks that don't want to spend much time doing edits.

  3. Maybe you need a full frame camera, and a new zoom lens and a new tripod and a new..... LOL

    I have never noticed any difference in my untouched RAW images and the untouched JPEGS when I shoot in RAW+JPEG. That's kind of wierd. I wonder if there is something in your computer monitor that makes them look different?

    I'm not a big fan of the NX2 RAW converter either but I really like the one in photoshop (Elements 10 and CS5) I do all of my RAW conversions in CS5's converter. I don't know how I ever got by just shooting JPEG before. The only draw back I have found is if I want to share a bunch of photos with someone (like sending my oldest daughter a CD of photos from the family vacation) I have to go in and individually change each to a JPEG just so she can see and print them. I need to remember to shoot in both modes during those times to save me some time later.

    I think the more you shoot in RAW the more you will come to like it. You just have to get used to the conversion process. YOu need Q to come give you a lesson!

    1. Oh yea, I like the photo you posted. The blurry red reflection and the bright colors of the boat look great with the green background and water.

    2. Ron, you can do batch processing in NX2 to convert your RAW files to JPEG. Just create a destinate folder for those JPEG files.

    3. Thanks Q! I didn't even think about the batch processing in NX2. Just too much stuff for my brain to remember! LOL

  4. Fine JPEG of that goodlooking vessel casting it's shadow! How about them colors? Same as Canada's Flag. Nice!

  5. I know on my computer when I shoot in Raw and Jpeg there is a difference in the way the images look in the photo viewer. I am not sure if it is the operating system interprets the file or not. The raw images always take longer to load into the viewer and they do look darker and less colorful. Although I do like being able to adjust more with the image in the raw format to bring out some of the detail in the darker parts of the image.


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