Sunday, May 31, 2009
Canadian Bald Eagle

Fantastic Caverns

Fantastic Caverns was discovered in 1862 but not explored until 1867. The first explorers of the cave was a group of women from Springfiled, MO who were part of an "activities club". The cave goes back into the ground for more than half a mile and there are two levels. The top level is 125 below the surface. The bottom level still has water running through it and can only be accessed by special permission and only during the dry months of the summer. The bottom level requires hard hats, flashlights, knee pads and no problems with tight, enclosed spaces!
I didn't have to do any crawling around in the mud and dirt to get these photos, the cave has been a tourist attraction for many years now and they have some of the more stunning features lit so you can see them better. All I had with me was the on-board flash on the Nikon D80 so I had to put all of these through photoshop to brighten them up a little. I may have over done it some but I wanted to make sure all of the features could be seen.
I will put up some other photos over the next couple of days.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Final approach
Big Bird (not the yellow one)

I did have to crop this photo quite a bit to get the image larger. I just couldn't get him to fly along side of the car!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tempting Fate!
Crows have been pestering Eagles since the dawn of time. There is much Native fokelore to do with this very subject.
As I was looking through some Eagle pictures from a few years ago I realized that the Crow in this picture is actually pulling the Eagles tail feathers! Talk about tempting fate! One gets a better appreciation of just how big an Eagle really is when you see one in the same picture with a Crow.

Strange Architecture

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Water Skeeter
Taking the family for a swim
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Paradise found!

Found this place just around the point from Hanauma Bay. Don't look real close as this is a poor bit of photography... The composition is good but the picture I really had to work at just to get it to this point!
Can you imagine being the home owner with the property just above this beautiful natural bench? If it were me I know I'd be stealing the odd quiet moment soaking in the ambiance of this special place!
My next home

My grandkids were in town over the holiday weekend so we took them to a kids park in Overland Park, KS that is designed to teach them a few things and let them pet and feed different animals along the way. I guess you need something in there to hold their attention!
There was an exibhit on how the Kansa Indians used to live and this is one of two tipis that were set up. They are actually pretty roomy, now if they only had air conditioning!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Moon Over Maui

I apologize to anyone that may be offended by this photo but I have a strange sense of humor sometimes! :-)
This was originally taken to stick on my son-in-law's door because everytime I would pass by his house (he and my youngest daughter lived in a second house on our property) he would moon me to be funny. I thought I would return the favor but(t) with an ocean view.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Now see what you started...........
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Scratching Hawaii for pictures...
So the other day as you know I added this picture of the Easter Island monument to Hawaiidigicam. What you didn't know is that I had to make a few changes before I posted it.
You see to start with this was a "Paul Hamming it up" picture taken by my wife but due to the fact that I am so totally out of Hawaii pictures I had to clean this one up some (ie. get rid of the "stupid tourist") And they all thought this was a serious picture. LOL

Building Mural
The town had several murals on different buildings and there were a couple of other towns along the way that had taken up this type of art also. I'm not sure if it was for Southern pride or tourist dollars.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
FV "Lawn Point"

The back eddy on the west side of Quatsino Narrows is where you want to be if you are bucking tide in either direction. In all but a couple of places you will get your rigging hung up in the trees before you ever scraped bottom. I had fun taking pictures of this fellow as he followed me through the narrows a couple of days ago.
The world's largest rocking chair!
If you lived in the house behind the chair and a big wind blew the chair over into the house, I wonder how you would explain that over the phone to the insurance company? "Yes, that's right, a chair blew over and demolished my house." I can see the insurance adjuster reaching for the "claim denied" stamp now.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Another lucky shot
A little rain, a little sun..........

And before you know it, you have to mow the lawn!
The small, blog version of this doesn't look as impressive as the full size version since you can't really feel the wide angle of the space. How's that for sounding "artsy"? If you click on the photo it will open up the full size version which in my humble opinion, looks better. :-)
The small, blog version of this doesn't look as impressive as the full size version since you can't really feel the wide angle of the space. How's that for sounding "artsy"? If you click on the photo it will open up the full size version which in my humble opinion, looks better. :-)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Stawamus Chief
The Stawamus Chief is a well known land mark near Whistler where the 2010 Winter Olympics are to be held.

Every once in a while, say 1 in 1000, you take a picture and it just works, no editing, nothing. This is one of those pictures. Now I just have to work at getting my average down to something like 1 in 20...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Summer sun rise!
Playing with photoshop
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Directions to WWII DC3
Scuba Diving

I can't really take credit for taking this photo since I'm in it but it is a nice photo. Maybe it's the subject matter? LOL
This was taken as my wife and I surfaced just off Maui, Hawaii after swimming with the turtles. I thought the mountains and clouds made the perfect backdrop for this photo and showed a little bit of Maui and the ocean too.
Monday, May 18, 2009

The Northern tip of Vancouver Island was a busy place during the Second World War. It was widely believed that if the Japanese were to attempt to put ground troops in North America that this is where they would be most likely to make landfall.
To that end Coal Harbour where I live was a RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) Seaplane Base and nearby Port Hardy had an airport large enough to land the largest bombers of the day.
Todays pictures are of a DC3 that almost made it back to the Port Hardy airport during the wartime years but crash landed several miles short as it had run low on fuel. Though much of the equipment and engines were salvaged the plane still lies where it crashed 65 years ago.
The un-enhanced version
Sunday, May 17, 2009
More New Ferry Pictures
Today was open house (or open boat) for the New Ferry. Not being one to pass up an opportunity to take a few pictures and being that it was Sunday and there was nothing else doing around here, my Wife and I went to have a look.
I was partarcularly impressed with three portions of this new vessel:

Obviously the "Bridge" is the command center of the whole ship and the nerve center for all the ships operations. You could film a sci-fi movie up here!

But what would a ship like this be without an engine room...

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Brand New Ferry

You might recall about 3 or so years back an incident where a rather large ferry (M.V. Queen of the North) traveling between Prince Rupert and Port Hardy ran into an island and sank. Well here is the brand new replacement! The new vessel won't be put into service for several more weeks as the crews are still in training.

Just plain crazy?

Storm chasers from the Discovery Channel were in the area to do their thing and they drove through my little town headed for the storms that were just north of us heading our way. Being the wise man that I am, I too was out and decided to get a few photos of my own. :-)
A vehicle completely covered with steel plate, do you think it comes with a DVD player and fold away seats?

This is a shot of what it looked like just inside the storm line looking back from where I just came from. It was dark enough that I tried this shot with a flash to try to pick up the green in the grass. Once you crossed under the storm line it went from clear and bright to almost pitch black. Then the rain and hail came and it was time to head for the house!
All is well now and according to the weather forecasters we are supposed to have clear skies and sun the rest of the week. Like they really know what the weather is going to be a week from now!
Friday, May 15, 2009
A favorite beach.
Arizona "hill" top
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Quatsino Sound, ultimate hideout.
Arizona Mountains
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Old pilings, tell tale signs.
The West Coast has a short but rich history of boom and bust industrys. Often old pilings such as these are the only signs left of an old cannery, saw mill or mining operation. Further investigation in these areas usually lead to interesting finds such as old bottles, bricks and rusted lumps of cast iron that were once well oiled pieces of machinery.

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