Funny you should start talking about Civil War history and the James brothers... As it turns out my Grandfather informed me several years before he passed on that his side of the family is related to James brothers through a Great Aunt.

World's largest Blue Whale jaw bones on display.
Interestingly enough Coal Harbour where I live also has a connection with one of the fellows who rode with the James brothers, William Quantrill.
As the story goes, William Quatrill did not die as a result of a Union ambush near Taylorsville, Kentucky but eventually made his way to Coal Harbour in 1897 as a watchman for the West Vancouver Coal Company's property using the alias John Sharpe. Though a reserved man when sober he was given to telling stories about his younger days when drinking. These stories eventually got back to two fellows from Lawrence, Kanses who made their way up to Coal Harbour and badly beat the now 70 year old Quatrell. The two men left on the next steamer and William Quantrill died the following day of his injurys. John Sharpe was burried in the nearby Port Hardy cemetary.
That's a good story! I had never heard that before.