Sunday, October 14, 2012

Last Rays

Last Rays
The day had been calm with no wind or clouds. We were under a high pressure dome. With no dust in the air or clouds for the light to bend and reflect off of, it was not the best time for an attempt at catching a sundown pic! 
Laying all of the above aside, I was in the Sunset Wizards territory! Sunsets in living color seem to Pop from his lens with regularity. But.......I don't recall seeing any without clouds. (This little observance will probably come back to bite me.) So be it! Capturing a Sundown was the objective, clouds or no clouds! More or less just looked at old Sol from the corner of my eye and shot away! I kind of liked the results!


  1. very nice, parker! taking a corner from the sunset wizard's checkerboard! :)

    1. Thanks Tex. I expect to be crowned at any moment!

  2. I love a good challenge! LOL

    In my territory? Are you talking about "my" mountains or taking sunset photos? :~)

    We'll get some sunsets in a couple of weeks, I'll bring the clouds with me!

    1. Knew you would be up to a challenge!

      Refering to sunset photos! Those are my mountains now; But I will share!LOL

      I did manage a few more mornings and evenings of ups and downs. Bring a few clouds but leave the rain at home!

  3. Nice! I like the way you expose the foreground without a GND filter.

  4. I think you got this one at just the right moment, Sky is blue, rays of light still streaming from Old Sol and beautiful warm golden light illuminating the foreground.


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