Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Banyan Tree in Lahaina

This tree was planted in Lahaina in 1873. It was eight feet tall when planted and now stands over 60 feet tall and is more than 200 feet wide. The banyan tree survives by sending out "shooters" from it's branches to the ground. Once the shooters touch the ground they form a secondary trunk and root system to help support the massive size of the tree. This banyan tree has the main center truck and eleven other major trunks.
I took this photo during one of my early morning trips when no one else was in the park.


  1. I like your perception and composition. Unusual, like the Banyan Tree itself!

  2. Love that old tree! Are you going to shoot some waves today?? It's crazy big here. Stay safe.

  3. LOL! I think I have a same shot like this about 10 years ago. If you look down on the side walk you could see my foot prints. LOL.

  4. Really nice photo! I like your composition on this shot.


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