Monday, August 9, 2010

Death Valley


  1. What great pics! The shadow line is so pronounced as it runs the ridge line contrasted by the cream colored sand. The wind sculpted patterns in the sand completes these fine photos.

  2. For some reason I'm getting really thirsty!

    These are both great photos. I think I'm drawn to the bottom one more for some reason. I really like the crisp lines the sand makes.

  3. Superb! Nice clean shots, no distractions. The eye is drawn into both of these pictures by the ridgeline seperating light and shadow.

    Did you use a graduated ND filter at or just above the horizon for these shots?

  4. I definitely like shot number two with the bluer sky. Thanks for sharing your fine photography Quynh Le and thank you Parker for coming by Levonne's Pretty Pics so often and leaving your supportive comments. I appreciate it!

  5. Paul, I'm not sure I use the GND on these photos or not! Sorry.


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