Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A dogs life

Had fun with this top photo... Even though I have been keeping my camera at -0.7ev for most of my picture taking this picture was blown out, it was quite a bright day and all the detail in the Maggie's fur was lost. But with a little creativity in Photoshop CS4 I was able to get most of the detail back without giving the picture a goofy look.

Maggie, Sunny and Buster... The chase is on! Wouldn't it be nice to have this much energy? It was making me tired just watching them.


  1. That pic reminds me of the dog sled tour I took in Norway. Huskies don't really have a stop button. :)

  2. Great action shot. Nice capture! It seems to me you have a very healthy K9's there. Also, I like the sharpness on the top picture.

  3. Maggie is one pretty girl. I don't believe I have seen her before. Is she a new addition to the family?

    What a good capture of the three in a heated race. Action packed games on the shore!

  4. Hi Parker, Maggie is my Son's dog and we were looking after her for a few days while he was away. All three dogs spend a fair bit of time together and get along famously.

    Yes Gabriele you are absolutely right, Huskies have no stop button! LOL

  5. Nice clean up job on the top photo. You can't even tell you weren't apying attention to your settings. LOL!

    To have that kind of energy, I guess I should have been a dog!

    How many shots did you take before you got all three of them in on photo?


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