Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This morning Randy from Santa Fe Daily Photo asked his readers if there were any favorite ornaments which we hung on our trees from year to year. My reply was, as his, there were to many to list. As most of the ornaments on our tree were created by my wife and her Grandmother, all have a special meaning to our family.

Hand painted scenes from my Charlotte are my most favorite! 

She has always told me that the kids were her inspiration for these decorations.

Adding a special touch for the elegant tree are numerous ornaments that were created by her Grandmother in the 1950's. She would take Goose Eggs and carefully trim a window  where she would create Holiday scenes with tiny characters and background color. The outside of the egg was adorned with pieces of old jewelry and cloth. These are Charlotte's favorites.

As the Days are counting down to Christmas, I will show more along the way.

for those that would care to look. Santa appears in the archieves from december,2010!!


  1. Great pictures! It would seem the women in your family are very talented! I wouldn't have the patience or the steady hand to do anything like that.

    Give me a gun or a camera and I have a steady hand but tiny detail, never!

  2. wow! such talent in your family! really nice!

  3. What a wonderful art work you got there. A person have a talent like that, I'm sure your wife would be a great person in photography.

  4. It is obvious that much time and care has gone into each one of these works of art!
    Thank you for sharing this!

  5. Parker, you tree is absolutely wonderful.

  6. What a creative family you have. That must be a fun Christmas for you guys. I love the kid inspiration ornaments. =)


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