Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wind Power.


  1. YOu just have to love the star shot. I think you may have posted that one before but it's still ag reat shot!

    How long of an exposure was this one or is it wo exposures put together?

  2. Reminds me of sentinels, all waving their arms in circles while welcoming the wind.

    These are all nice pics, but the star pic just adds a new dimension!

  3. Ron,

    If I can remember, I think that one is a 15-20 min. shutter speed, and on one exposure. Also, the foreground exposed from the Moon lighting.

  4. I really like the light in the last shot.

  5. Beautiful work... my favorite is the strong vertical image.

  6. Wow nice group of photos! All very nice, each for it's own reason. But I really like the center photo, very creative and nicely presented.


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