Friday, March 28, 2014

Red Crested Cardinal

Also known as the Brazilian Cardinal. These birds were introduced to Oahu and Kaua'i from South America in the 1930s and have since spread naturally to the other Hawaiian Islands.

Found this little fellow mooching as we ate our lunch one afternoon so I took a few pictures.


  1. i've seen them on another hawaiian blog - so unique and almost unreal looking! thanks for naming them for me!

  2. That guy certainly catches one's eye. A red masked beauty you found yourself there Paul!

  3. Very details picture! You got the lighting just right for this one.

  4. First time I've seen one of these. Nice shot.

  5. That is a really nice, detailed photo. Like Q said, the lighting was just right.

  6. Love cardinals and this one is both unusua/ and special!


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