Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Centennial Clock
Looking East at sunrise Sunday morning. Notice mill in window.
Kirkegards Hardware. A memory!

All pics fresh out of the box, no editing!
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  1. Pretty clever shots by using the tree, and the sign to blockout the sun. Good work!

  2. Hey Parker, Good to see some of your pics here!I look forward to seeing more. Thanks for being such a great supporter of my work at Levonne's Pretty Pics and A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings!

  3. Small town USA, Down Town Core! The stories these shops and streets could tell... Whenever I find myself in a new town I tend to gravitate to this part of town always rich in history.

    Nice set of pictures!

  4. Getting up early again? You're retired, you're supposed to be sleeping in! LOL

    OK, so I'm going to be a critic on these are you ready? I love the clock photo but I think I would have cloned the wire out of the photo but that's just me.

    I think I would have cropped the sun out of the window photo so it would draw you more to the reflection in the window. You did a great job getting the reflection, I would have made it the "draw" in the photo.

    You just have to love the small towns. There are some things you can't get in them but that's what the internet is for! LOL

    Nice photos!

  5. Always appreciate ideas to make improvements to my photos!Thanks.
    I agree about the wire. Several pics were taken looking up and down Main and wires cluttered every pic. ( Over a hundred years collection )
    Interesting idea about cropping the sun out of the reflection pic. Will play with this in Picasa 3 which is my limited editing program.


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