Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Weeds, I mean....

... Spring has sprung and now there is yard work to be done.
I either have to figure out how to make dandelion wine or find some weed killer because the dandelions are everywhere this year.


  1. my father made dandelion wine almost every year for a while. he'd send us kids out into the fields with buckets until we came back stained yellow and green. it was a lot like rhine wine. takes some getting used to, for sure.

  2. Someone having fun with the 105mm! I'm glad you put a good use to it.

  3. Thats about the nicest dandelion I think I've ever seen! Seems a shame to have to cut them all down... (Any excuse not to mow the lawn ha ha!)

  4. Dandelion wine is delicious...learn!

  5. Now that's a sure enough close up look of a dandelion flower!


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