Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weird Plants

Bracken Fern

Mares Tail or Horse Tail? (Not sure on this one)

Lily of some sort I'm thinking. Found this in a very dark shaded part of the woods.


  1. Usually all we notice are the fully developed colorful flowers from such plants. Involve a nice camera and lens capable of shooting the smaller details of same plants and our world becomes more interesting with weird details of what we are not familiar. Nice shots!

  2. Great detail in these photos! I really like the bottom shot. Reminds me of a Venus Flytrap.

    Does the 18-300 let you get pretty close? The 28-300mm lets me get within about a foot of the subject, I'm guessing the 18-300mm is about the same?

    1. I think I recall seeing the specs for the 18-300 and 28-300 and that the minimum distance was almost the same... 12 or 14 inches or so. The 18-300 seems to to a pretty good job of the close in shots as far as detail and sharpness.

  3. Great find Paul! In my opinion, I think you should try spot metering, and a flash with these closeup shots.


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