Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Finally some sunshine!

Finally got a partly sunny day! It's been overcast and rainy here on the North end of Vancouver Island for the past number of weeks, kind of wears a fellow down... Soon as the sun came out the my wife and I were out the door with the dogs and cameras!

Found this rainbow at the head of Hardy Bay (Port Hardy). Except for resizing this is straight out of the camera.


  1. Very cool shot, and nice job on the reflection there brother!

  2. Port Hardy's lucky day! A treasure of a shot. No additives needed!

  3. that is beautiful! a sign of renewed hope! :)

  4. Where's my shovel??? LOL

    This is a great capture. You got great lighting and colors, a nice reflection and with no post processing. Your talent is improving!

  5. Straight out of the sky (thanks to God), straight into the camera (thanks to Paul), and straight to us (thanks again to Paul)! Thank you!


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