Tuesday, February 17, 2015

More water theme...

So far our winter over here on the West Coast of Canada has been unusually mild. Only had 1/2 inch of snow and only two or three weeks of below freezing temperatures. And now for the last 5 weeks we've been enjoying daytime temperatures in the mid 50's (above 10° C). If this is "Global Warming" bring it on, we're loving it!

Even with this mild weather I was still surprised several days ago when I spotted this fellow paddle boarding in Hardy Bay. Though the day was warm you know darn well the water would have been freezing!


  1. I hope he didn't end up in the water.

  2. so very cool, though! great shots!

  3. I used to water ski in February. Of cours we wore wetsuits but it was still cold when you first got into the water. I would say this guy probably has a little experience on the board because he looks like he's wearing boots and dry clothes.

    I really like that second shot. The beacon and the mountains in the background give it some depth.

  4. Very nice perspective in your photos. Considering the freezing weather here in Iowa I'm tempted to say I wouldn't mind some global warming here as well...but I've heard global warming might be the reason it's colder here--it's too tricky for me to figure out. I think the scientists should just stick with calling it "climate change;" that way they can't go wrong, since it *seems* the climate/weather here is always changing--we never know what to expect!


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