Friday, July 13, 2012

Sushi Bar

Not only can the guy take photos but he's one hell of a cook! You can tell this because my wife and daughter were eating the sushi before Q could get finished. Just like sitting at a sushi bar and ordering from what's under the glass.

Q cooked both nights that he was here. I'm not sure if he did that out of the kindness of his heart or if he was just afraid of my cooking. LOL Either way, it was very a nice break for me and really good food. All I had to do was keep his mai tai glass full.

We also did a little night time photography one night. Cheryl noticed that the moon coming up was a little orange instead of white so Q let me use his Nikon 200-400mm f4 lens to take a few shots. If you ever have a hankering to sell your car and buy a lens, this would be the one to get!


  1. What a layout of food! Can not think of a better way to enjoy oneself than gathering around the kitchen table sharing a meal and drinks with friends!
    Moon looks like a golden egg that the goose layed! Wonderful shape and color!

  2. that moon shot is gorgeous! and one way to guarantee you eat what you like is to cook it yourself! :) or maybe not cook it (in the case of sushi)

  3. Home made sushi and more photography lessons with some very nice equipment... I don't think it gets much better than this! Sounds like you all had a great time together and the moon picture came out tack sharp!

  4. ah yes, one of life's greatest treasures is a friend who cooks!!

    1. Welcome back Val! I'll bet it seems like you just left. Looking forward to seeing some of your shots of Molokai when you get a chance to put them up.

  5. I would love to this again in the near future. Also, I can see you already doing post processing in the NIK software. If you have time, watch the tutorial video from their website or just call the helpline 1-900-Quynh.

    1. LOL Q! As slow as my internet connection is I may be using that hotline!

      Right now I can't even find the time to take pictures, much less watch a video. I'll try to watch a couple in the next week or so some morning early before the crazy e-mails.


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