Saturday, November 24, 2012

Old vs new

Ron's last two posts got me thinking I should have a look back at some of my older pictures... So I went waaay back to the very beginning... Christmas 1999 my wife gave me my first digital camera, a brand new 2mp Kodak DC 5000 digital camera. It was a good one too, cost her about the same as I paid for my D90 a couple of years ago!

The very next day I went out shooting. The top photo in this post is picture #0006 with the new Kodak. Go ahead, double click on it, have a close look, yes those are Eagles in the tree. I was so happy with my new camera! Now I cringe when I see my fuzzy old pictures... Ugh!

Today nearly 13 years later I took the bottom photo... Huge improvement in equipment since then! I can't help but wonder how much further along photography will be in another dozen years? Will I cringe when I look at my "old pictures" from 2012? Probably! LOL


  1. what a great comparison. i still cringe at my photos today. :)

  2. I like the mood of the first photo.

  3. It's very satisfying to see improvement whether it's personal or not.

  4. I know what you mean Paul. My first digital camera was actually a video camera that took 1mp photos and I thought that was the neatest things since sliced bread. I look back at those photos now and think, "man, those are terrible!" I even look at photos I took 6-7 years ago with a 5mp camera and I don't like most of those. Of course I don't like those mainly because of the photographer and not the camera.

    The equipment has come a long way over the years and our skills improve as we are challenged by and learn from each other. I think this blog is one of the best things that happened to my photography because I now know just how bad I really was! LOL

    1. I have to agree with you about our skills improving and learning from each other, the feedback, suggestions and sharing of techniques back and forth has been a great help to me also! This blog is proving to be a perfect place to do that.

    2. It's a good laugh when I go back in time on my photos. Hell, nobody is perfect! I'm enjoying to be apart of this group, and I hope will stick around long enough to share my knowledge with you guys.

  5. Always fun to look back so one will appreciate and see the progression of skills, along with improvement in equipment and computer processing programs!


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