Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Cooling Breeze

Love This Wind Machine
The only possible way of catching a breeze inside the livestock barn this day was to have your own fan. Every lane and every stall seemed equipped not only with overhead fans, but personal ones also. (Stylish orange cords provided the power.)

Canadian County Fair


  1. Got to love those stylish orange cords, I have a few of those myself! I think if I were stuck in a building I would be standing in front of the fan too because like Tex said, it was probably still a bit warm.

  2. Our fair just built a new barn and they have massive ceiling fans and for the most part it kept the building very manageable as far as heat this year. Only one day in the August days got pretty darn hot.

  3. I've always felt a great deal of sympathy for the animals and the 4-H kids during the hot weather at our state fair. This year I walked into and then immediately left the birthing barn because the weather inside was unbearable, and I couldn't watch the suffering overheated poor animals.

  4. Looking a little sheepish hiding behind that fan... Ha ha! Lucky for that sheep, looks like it was recently sheered and not there for the best coat of wool part of the competition.

  5. Well you gotta beat that heat! At our fair they had water misters hanging in front of the was fabulous!

  6. Nice post, great blog, following :)

    Good Luck :)


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