Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rush Hour

It's that time of year again... Tourist season. First I see them with their fancy new trucks and campers towing their fishing machines flying down the road in front of my house then later on out on the water still rushing here and there at break neck speed! You'd think they were all after the same fish!

What a stressful time this relaxing vacation time must be for these tourists as they continue doing everything at their blistering city speed... Or maybe us locals out here in the sticks just live at a slower more thoughtful pace. Guess I'll wander down to the river and throw a few sticks for the dog while I think about this some more.

1 comment:

  1. Stupid tourists! LOL

    With a super wide lens and just the right time of day and clouds that spot where you took this photo could be a really great spot for a landscape shot.


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