Sunday, June 20, 2010

Escargot anyone?

Found a huge gathering of pea sized snales while hiking on a nearby beach yesterday. Never seen this many in one place like this before, so I took a picture...


  1. It's too bad you didn't have a stick of butter and a garlic clove to lay in the middle of them! LOL

    This is a pretty cool shot, very different but neat.

    And I think I will stick to eating steak, you can keep the snails!!

  2. Shapes,Colors and Textures. After clicking on pic for the larger version there is a lot more going on here than first meets the eye!

    Wonder what part of the food chain these fall into ? mp

  3. For me I would cook them in the coconut milk with lemomgrass, and some hot chili peppers. That's Vietnamese style my friend!


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