Sunday, July 4, 2010


As American AS Baseball And Apple Pie.

Rainy stay inside 4th of July. Wife said if I would peel and slice apples she would make from scratch an apple pie. No twisting my arm!
Pie was assembled and put in oven at 350 degreesF. for about an hour. Beautiful results!
A (little ice cream for luck). My chair will barely let me get to the computer to post this.

Happy Independance Day to all!

Also belated happy Canada Day (July 1st.) to our friends and neighbors to the North. mp
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  1. That is such a classic looking apple pie! I can almost smell it as I sit drooling in front of my computer... LOL
    Yes and Happy Birthday to both our Countrys!

  2. Well now I'm hungry again!

    That's a nice series showing the pie from start to finish. Great staging on all three photos!


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