Thursday, May 5, 2011

Somewhere On The California Coast.

This is another old photo from 2 years ago. I'm not sure it was on Big Sur or SF. bay area. I should use the voice recorder on my D2X, with my age I think I'm start losing my mind already. Hopefully, next few years, I still know where the shutter button is.


  1. What a great shot! I think Parker is right, whether you are actually doing it or not the last couple of shots look like you have been using the HDR effect on them.

    I love the way you captured the splashing water in this one, I'm surprised the birds are just sitting there.

  2. Very nice West Coast photograph! Nice bright subject, the brooding clouds in the background work well in this picture.

  3. Very nice indeed!! The Pacific coastline sure presents some unique photo opportunities.


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