Monday, January 24, 2011

Sledding turned photo oppurtunity!

With the recent snow storm that we had I decide to take my son sledding at our local lakes dam. After 15 to 20 trips to the top and being totally worn out we decide to leave.

After packing everything in the truck I walked down the spillway and much to my suprise found this sandhill crane using the outlet walls as a wind break. I spooked him and he took to the air, luckily I had brought along the camera and had it at the ready.


  1. Looks like you guys know how to make the best out of a snow storm!

    Good find on the Sandhill Crane. The spring migration North usually doesn't start till late February. Hope this is a sign of an early spring! Glad you had your camera with you.

  2. These are great pictures, I especially like the picture of you and your Son!

    Good capture on the "Grus Canadensis" (Sandhill Crane). On the very rare occasion we have seen them out here on the West Coast though they are not soposed to come here.

  3. Who't the ugly guy wearing the sunglasses? LOL

    Nice bird shots! The one flying is really good. I guess all of that hunting pays of in knowing how to lead a target in the sights!

    Nice frames too. You are learning quickly.

  4. Good to see your photos again. Always is a good time to take the kids out on the snow day. Good reaction on those birds pictures, I think it's time for Ron to shop your birthday present for a NIKKOR 600mm lense. LOL.


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