Friday, December 31, 2010


Attached but separated from the original Ft. Reno cemetary lies 62 German and 8 Italian Prisoners of War from WWII. Brought from Camps in Oklahoma and Texas this is their final resting place. Orderly and properly spaced, each grave contains a headstone with name and dates, including the Country from where they came. Only one of the 1335 German Prisoners who were in captivity at this camp died while being here. Relatives and fellow countrymen frequently visit these, Gone but not Forgotten souls, each year.
One of the remaining works of theirs is this Chapel built in 1944. A beautiful structure inside and out, is still in use for weddings, funerals, and special occasions.
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  1. Very nice photos and commentary (See comments for your previous post) I especially like the bottom photo, the lighting is dead on and the colours nicely saturated!

  2. OK, forget a being a teacher, you should write a book! Nice commentary and photos to go with it.


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