Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kauai Flower on Canon point and shoot camera.

Found this flower on the ground on our way to secret falls in Kauai. I think our tour guide told us that the reason for these flowers on the ground are caused by spuirrels like to eat the flower stem at night. Once, the flower on the ground most likely the wild boars will eat them. Now I know what bait to use when I want to shoot wild boar. LOL.


  1. There you go, bringing up Hawaii again!

    I love the colors in the flower! The point and shoot (and it's operator) did a great job. The photo shows a lot of nice detail.

  2. Vibrant tropical colors. Would make a good pattern for a Hawaian Shirt!!

  3. Nice picture Q of a most beautiful flower!

    The Pua Aloalo (Habiscus flower) is the official state flower of Hawaii.


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