Friday, April 19, 2013

A Red Dirt Road

The One Less Traveled

Most every time I pass this road a nod is given to Robert Frost. In his poem he speaks of  "The Road Not Taken". He also speaks of one less traveled. Both apply in this case. I have never ventured on this road that leads to the Restricted Use Area of the Refuge. It would be easy if only I would sign up for an escorted bus ride to these yonder lands! I don't herd well. Board the Bus! Get off the Bus for pics! Thank You, No!

Antelope Flats

The red road leads in a northerly direction starting at a locked gate on the western edge of a large basin called the Antelope Flats. A most wonderful place to view a sunrise.

It's been a long time ago since a Pronghorn and it's kind wandered these prairies and called this basin home. As I, you will have to use your imagination to see these prairie dwellers racing across the plains with their white bottoms showing declaring, Danger! Picture Taker at the Gate!


  1. really beautiful. that red clay reminds me of the area around the red river. :)

    1. Tex, if one flew south in a straight line like a crow; the Red River is about 35miles away.

  2. I'll take the bus! I'm not such a rebel as you. ;-)

    1. You are of course right, and plan this year to take my place in a seat on the bus so I can sample this part of the refuge.

  3. These are both beautiful pictures best appreciated by double clicking on them of course. I like that you have them both in a wide landscape format.

    It would have been quite something to see this place with all the Antelope and other prairie dwellers!

    1. Even though Antelope Basin is large, there is just not enough area to support a herd of Antelope. In the far reaches of NW Oklahoma where the fences are few and far between, the panhandle area supports a thriving and producing herd.

  4. I love the road less traveled. Who know what's on the other end.

  5. Antelope flats can be seen without a bus ride but it's usually only at night. :-)

    I like the road shot a lot.


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