Friday, September 2, 2011


I just made this one about 15 min. ago. You all are invited.


  1. Be right there!

    Wow looks delicious! But where are the little red dabs of of that really hot sauce that makes your eyes water and your mouth burn when you eat each piece? LOL (Love spicy tuna rolls).

    Nice presentation on your sushi dinner and also on your photograph of it.

  2. That looks so appetizing and nicely put together. I have never ate sushi but would give it a try. But give me some of that Hot Sauce Paul spoke of. I can't bring myself to terms with raw fish!LOL

  3. Sushezi!!!

    I did the same thing last night also. I ordered one of the sushezi's on Monday and it arrived yesterday and I made sushi for Cheryl last night. Smoked salmon with asparagus and shrimp vegetable (shrimp, avacado, cucumber, spring onion and carrot)

    Mine didn't look as good as yours though. I dind't have any nori to wrap it in, for some reason they don't sell that at the local Wal-mart LOL, so when I went to slice the rolls they started to come aprt on me. It would have helped if I could have put them in the fridge for awhile before cutting them but Cheryl couldn't wait to eat.

    I probably need to sharpen my knife a little too!

    That's a great food shot and the food looks great. Not much of a sushi man myself either but it still looks good!


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